"Essays / P.T.O : a Case Against Writing in Uncertainty (or Otherwise)" is a non-fiction work by Vikram Grewal. It is a 280-page paperback published by RedWord publications. URLs for ordering the book are as follows: Amazon link for pre-order: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CXKR9C5F/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Azs4W9M2T4z2B_aT3dRMswu-y5kBZ2K-O7V7P83TBS1J0kQmT6o1S5KIEmVE2alpLf-vvvgv4lwo1I1r12t3mQ.6GHXwWtQjbwzYCsA88l3m9I7XUWsk6U7EC0UrS_C4Gs&dib_tag=se&keywords=vikram+grewal&qid=1709987163&sr=8-5 Flipkart link for pre-order: https://www.flipkart.com/essays-pto/p/itm08713713ff2f3?pid=9788196569983&lid=LSTBOK9788196569983YCAEPA&marketplace=FLIPKART&q=vikram+grewal&store=bks&srno=s_1_1&otracker=search&otracker1=search&fm=organic&iid=5efa3ef5-986e-41b2-8c46-552a0182b93c.9788196569983.SEARCH&ppt=hp&ppn=homepage&ssid=z8tv0287dc0000001709987234947&qH=1f1e606fb83836db Synopsis: In 'Essays/P....
Created by Vikram Grewal Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 6: Mountain Peak paranoia on new year.
Created by Vikram Grewal Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 5: Sunshine Why is the future so blindingly bright?
Created by Vikram Grewal Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 4: Horizon Here's some of Mahe Island's History and Hearsay - at the Horizon.
Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Created by Vikram Grewal. Chapter 3: Wind What can wind teach us?