Poem Preview 1: Ink and Solitude

The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book Ink and Solitude.

“The following poem has been written on a quite universal theme- with a touch of hyperbole. It delineates the world through the five senses of man. The repetition of the word ‘never’ makes it a simple and interesting read.”


When I breathe, I’m reminded of ‘life’;
Never does it, bend or turn back.
Never does it lack greed or disgust.
Never does it wait for the others.
Never will it accept timely defeat.

When I hear, I’m reminded of ‘silence’;
Never does it like the hate and crime.
Never does it sit to tease the daylight.
Never is it ready to separate chaos.
Never will it turn out off the deaf.

When I speak, I’m reminded of ‘words’;
Never do they stop criticism or abuse.
Never do they enforce any action.
Never are they devoid of flattery and hypocrisy.
Never will they collide to be heard the same.

When I smell, I’m reminded of the ‘air’;
Never is it filled with love and excite.
Never is it calm to earn rest.
Never does it disappear into oblivion.
Never will it storm us with equality.

When I touch, I’m reminded of feeling the ‘world’.
Never does it wither away with time.
Never does it adopt uniformity.
Never does it reflect futility.
Never will it rest from discovering new.

When I see, I’m reminded of ‘blindness’;
Never is it switched on or off.
Never is it absent from any being.
Never does it notice justice or liberty.
Never will it escape the reign of humanity.


sammy said…
went back to 2014. u were never short of words to express the feeling.
grip over your subject and the message to be conveyed is received perfectly.

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