Poem Preview 2: Ink and Solitude

“Rain is the best and most effective tranquilizer in nature. And the admirable ambience it creates is a sight to behold!” 

Jewels from Heaven   

A contented sigh I take, as trees
Sway to and fro. The sweet breeze
Strikes my hair as if mother’s own
Hands. I sit beside the lone
Silence across the window. All over
Is darkness, then pearls begin to hover
On my head- from the sky and
Through the open window. Land
On my nose the fragrant jewels from
Heaven. Wriggles up the sill- a worm
Celebrating the arrival of His blessings.
As I look on, the children from their dwellings,
Follow the same ritual. Sing, dance, throw
In between the dark. And there’s glow
And there’s not. And then there is the show
Of thunder and then there is not.
While the earth rejuvenates, the aroma- I snort
Into my body and into the brain. Like
A drug from nature, it refreshes the psyche.
I smile to myself as in slanted lines,
The raindrops jiggle with my yard’s pines.
I bend to switch on the radio but stop!
Disturb this scene- I must not! I stop!
Thus I sit back up and hear the ‘Song
Of the Rain’ with light and then no light. Wrong
Is he who misses this shower (and right was Gibran)
And remains aloof of the Nature’s power.    


Anonymous said…
Damn. So pretty.

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