Brexit Blues: Wodehouse meets Monty Python going ‘eww’

By Vikram Grewal

Brexit Blues: Wodehouse meets Monty Python going ‘eww’

Post-Referendum developments highlight what Britain has always been known for- a classy sense of humour.

Britain has had its share of quirks that went down in history. Among other things it’s been known as the land of Cricket (the not-so-gentlemen’s game) and the Earl Grey Tea (which was a subject of frivolity in the nineteenth century regarding its name among the masses- “it was never grey, it was black and now is green as well, but never grey!”). In the latter half of the Twentieth Century, Britain’s claim to fame in the post-colonial world, after losing its mojo of imperialism, was its humour.

After almost 52 per cent of the British population voted to ‘leave’ the European Union, talks and discussions began regarding Article 50 of the EU constitution that quite ‘vaguely’ expedites the termination of the membership of a nation. David Cameron, another white chubby PM in GB’s long list of chubby PMs, resigned within few hours of the results. (Blair wasn’t that chubby though!) Leaving Britain with an empty chair (perfect for a Jim Hacker from ‘Yes Minister!’ to take his place) and confused minds, Cameron had emphatically made way for anyone from the ‘Leave Campaign’ to captain and steer the sinking ship.  

Most probable candidates to take command included Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage. Both beautiful (not literally) comedians- both clueless about the road ahead. A headline read: Leave Campaign’s Brexit strategy basically Monty Python’s retreat strategy. (Referring to the retreat of the king’s army in ‘The Holy Grail’) And thus both bewildered to the core quit- quite ‘graciously’ as Bertie Wooster would construe. Wodehouse must be sitting in a croquet field sipping Earl Grey Tea in heavens watching this comic sketch unfold.

The British Parliament has always had men with witty but whimsical tongues- from Benjamin Disraeli to Winston Churchill. Their quotes and one-liners have been requoted several times. Contemporarily speaking, public statements by Farage and Johnson throughout their political careers have been hilarious. (You can view some of them in John Oliver’s latest in Last Week Tonight).

The world is apprehensive of the future presently. The crying and whining is coming in the way of all the laughable instances that have been occurring around 10 Downing Street. Voters who now seem unsure and are demanding another referendum are in a way being snubbed by the officials at EU who have called for the commencement of the procedure to plan the Brexit. Comments by John Cleese, Rowan Atkinson, Stephen Fry or Hugh Laurie would have helped tickle tummies but they seem to be a bit carried away by the state of affairs. People must be hoping for someone to say ‘I have a cunning plan, Bah!’ like Tony Robinson from Black Adder series.  

So it’s an amusingly humorous chain of events:
Referendum is announced. ‘In’ and ‘Out’ campaign. An MP is shot dead. Referendum happens. Britain wants to get out of the EU. EU says Ok. PM says ok bye. EU says “c’mon, let’s see you off.” Britain realizes it doesn’t have a PM. So everyone turns to dear old Boris. Boris quits, passes the buck to Farage. Farage quits. Meanwhile- Corbyn loses the trust vote, but doesn’t quit (at least someone didn’t quit, phew.) Scotland says “hey, I want to leave too”.  People realize they want to ‘stay in’ or ‘have another referendum’. EU says we still respect your decision, “out you’re going old chum”. Britain’s in a huge Dilemma- to leave or not to leave (Shakespeare’s jingling his earring beside Wodehouse). EU says- well we’ll sort it out, find a leader first, will you?

There are a lot of questions. But who has the answers? Well, Jeeves! Jeeves has answers to everything. P. G. Wodehouse remains a legend at emphasizing the bogus and the frivolous amongst the British Bourgeoisie. Britain lacks a representative at the moment and is busy passing the buck within its realm. Perhaps, Wodehouse would do just fine for the moment.       


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