Days Underground: Volume I - "Post-College" by Vikram Grewal

Days Underground #1 

Circa May 2017.

I have quit social media after watching Black Mirror (more or less).
I do have a fair idea of what's next for me. 
I know I am going to miss college. But that's the point of leaving.

Days Underground #2

26th May 2017
The last (biryani) supper in the college mess.
It took me 3 years, eventhough just one bite was good enough, to realize why the mess was/is called 'mess'.
I never wanted to have any memory of the food here. This picture was forced upon me. I'm guilty of being such a waste of space here. Look at Uzma who's way back- but is still managing to pull off a smiling face. Maybe coz she didn't come here so often. :P 
Also present: The Inglorious Custards.

Days Underground #3

3rd June 2017
Champions' League Final.
The Waywards of Stephens have come home. I haven't met the bunch since.
Real beats Juve 4-1. But no one really cares; everyone's here for the food. 
Mandzukic's goal and butter chicken remain the highlights of the night.

Days Underground #4

Circa June 2017
My last correspondence through phone. A message to a dear friend on his birthday. 

The sim card was later placed under cryogenic conditions.
The party is still due though.

Days Underground #5

28th June 2017Touchdown NYC. It's my first time abroad and I feel like I'm a part of a Scorsese film. 
I watched 'Silence' and 'Rebel Without a Cause' on the flight.
I'm obsessed with the Baby Driver soundtrack. 
And I have a green Polka Dot umbrella in my bag. 
It rains. :)

Days Underground #6

July 2017
I'm walking the same alley where Michael Keaton walked in 'Birdman' for quite a while now. The same environs where Iñarritu shot his Oscar winning BROADWAY epic.
But the catch is: I don't realize that- for weeks. 
Noel Coward's 'Present Laughter' is what I'm here for. Kevin Kline and Cobie Smulders are starring. 
Perhaps the only non-musical production taking place at this end of the street. 
Other theatres are showcasing exotic stuff: Aladdin, The Lion King et al. 
People stare at me strangely everyday. 
The ShakeSoc t-shirt isn't a thing here apparently.

Days Underground #7

7th July 2017
While the crowd is clicking selfies with the Rocky Balboa statue, I'm busy amusing myself. 
That's an old lame pun but well, It's Always Funny in Philadelphia.

Days Underground #8

Circa July 2017
Turns out- Belle is a huge Breaking Bad fan.
A rarity- being on the stage rather than behind it.

Days Underground #9

July 2017
Won't be able to reach Paradise Falls, but can still make 'up' by being a Balloon. 
I bid adieu to the States soon after. 
Old newspapers and NCERTs await me back home.

Days Underground #10

August 2017
I have bought myself an MP3 player which has made my Nokia Lumia 520 redundant (henceforth it'll be used as an alarm clock).
Chester passed away 2 weeks ago and I've been listening to Linkin Park on loop. 
After this period of mourning i decide to get on with my upsc preparation in full swing.
The first playlist I create has Hendrix, Janis, Zeppelin, Badfinger, Rafi, Kishore and of course (again) Linkin Park.


Unknown said…
I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here?

Leave out all the rest :')

Chances of you reading this futile piece of crap are less than the number of extant dodo birds :).
But here I write this , for one fine juncture you might see and smile at this .
Thanks bhaiya . You are truly and inspiration.

- a paranoid knuckle head from the very same niche you were in 6 years ago .
Unknown said…
Ps: please ignore the technical glitches .
Hard on typing :).
Saumya Singh said…
I hope i get to meet you someday. You gotta a pretty nice sense of humour. Tada
Tanmoy said…
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Tanmoy said…
In continuation with BB and that Los pollos t shirt, your penultimate photo seems to be from that falls, where Jim and pam go after their marriage , wearing the same colour of raincoats as yours, whilst Jim stands as tall as you

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