Days Homebound- Volume I- "Dilli Disumber"

 Days Homebound #1

6th Dec 2019
Ok so let's begin with the sphere. The glowing ball. An amplified singularity. The globe.
A nomad since birth, I have always found it hard to locate my 'home' on the map. I spent a lot of time trying to do that...and then after years, I realized it was time to roll the map and gulp it down. The universe was expanding and it was time to catch up.
And in Delhi, we'd prepare for the launch.
Mussoorie was a bubble about to burst.

Days Homebound #2

9th Dec 2019
Corridor is a word that had always existed in our minds I guess. I have no memory of asking my parents, teachers, friends or any other person what was the meaning of the word 'corridor'. It was just there...and they were everywhere: in schools, colleges, malls, markets, offices, mansions. You walked in them, through them, on them, by them while they just dormantly whispered to one of your billion brain cells: 'a corridor..that's me. I'm a corridor'...but you never paid attention: you were busy coming from somewhere and going somewhere else. Then you grew a little more- learned what a foyer was, what a portico was...and the 'corridor' remained ignored. And one fine day, he suddenly told you 'Stop. Identify yourself before entering, for we are the corridors- the corridors of power.'

Days Homebound #3

13th Dec '19
The top 3 things that my father taught me in my pre-teens:
1. 'Keep your back straight!'
2. 'Kamar seedhi rakkho!'
3. 'Pull back your shoulders!'
And I learnt that well. But then I started to grow. I grew taller and taller...and well, a little more. Photos landed me in a tricky situation always. I'd bend my knees and droop my shoulders to avoid the awkwardness of elevation and just to make sure that the picture is taken in the troposphere. And that became a habit. So, while my parents may not be pleased with some of my photos (on such exquisite occasions- like the calling on EAM)...I'm glad, because it's the Troposphere that matters the most usually; breathing would be an issue in the stratosphere. And so I take a bow.

Days Homebound #4

14th Dec '19
From complaining about my height- I come very close to cracking an infamous joke about 'kanoon ke haath'.
I am the usual suspect, to whom phones are handed regularly to click selfies. And I usually return them telling how terrible I am at clicking selfies.
But this occasion was different.
It was the first birthday party on campus.
And I can do pretty much anything for cake...and colleagues*

*Conditions apply.
(No changes in selfie skills meanwhile).

Days Homebound #5

14th Dec '19
In the company of vibrant (and tall) friends.
We'd attended the 6th Indian Ocean Dialogue at the Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra a day ago. It is followed by the 11th Delhi Dialogue and so the Delhi-gates are open to all delegates (on the list of invitees ofcourse).
Edward Said's memoir 'Out of Place' is in my bag and in my head is Axl Rose saying 'Where do we go? Where do we go now?' looking at the puzzling paths of entry and exit.

Days Homebound #6

15th Dec '19
One of the very few crowds that I have always loved to be a part of. Jashn-e-Rekhta, since its inception during my college days, has become a festival I always look forward to. Yes, it is getting bigger, messier and unsustainably fuller...but I think it remains a place where you can actually witness a 'civilized crowd'. Wherever they may be- in the front row, at the rear end, in the aisle, on the floor, blackstage or far away from the Shamiana -everyone's curiously listening to the performers and waiting for punchlines, matlas, hooks to shers, ghazals and qawwali respectively (but not necessarily).
This time Digvijay and I eagerly wait for Munawwar Rana and Raahat Indori in our suits (which once were jeans and kurtas). The wait is long..but the Mushaira, like always, is worth it.

Days Homebound #7

20th Dec '19
The last two roll numbers of the 2019 batch. Apart from sharing the same initials (almost), love for Bollywood (almost) and year of birth, we occasionally end up wearing similar colours (almost) But now as Vaibhav heads East and I proceed West; we both know our breakfast timings will not remain in perfect sync anymore. (almost)

Days Homebound #8

25th Dec '19
Sweaters. Always, sweaters. If there's anything I would choose over 'bournvita shake-in-summers' it'd be 'sweaters-and-sunshine-in-winter'.
A much needed vacation back home in Kupwara. My last Christmas here perhaps. It is minus 5 degrees inside the room and the numbness hinders me from guessing the temperature outdoors. I spend my time reading and playing with our camera shy dog Brandy...her football dribbling skills show great improvement but her tackles leave my sweaters all fuzzy.

Sweater credits : Naani

Days Homebound #9

31st Dec '19
They say if you haven't attended the New Year's Party at DSOI, you haven't lived in Delhi Cantt legitly. Over the years, I have avoided this party because of multiple reasons: traveling, staying in at the college hostel, chilly winter night, exam prep etc. 'What's your excuse this year?' asked old friends this time. 'I'm miles away and I just discovered the remastered footage of Tintin- the animated series on amazon.' That's how I welcomed 2020: staying indoors in a warm quilt. I had no idea 'indoors' will be the buzzword for this year.


Unknown said…
Indoors..... So usual nowadays. Entire blog is awesome👍👏👏
Yashaswini said…
The word is Hope', that's what your posts give me:)
Unknown said…
Its a delight to read
Parul said…
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Parul said…
Hi Vikram, it is always a delight to read your writings and experiences. I am preparing for CSE 2021 and in the same context I am interested in how you made you studies fun and interesting especially with subjects like polity and Art and culture. Any idea as small as listening to a song or as trivial as writing with multi coloured pen will help. Please share all your experiences, techniques, tricks. Thank you :)
Anonymous said…
Do write a book soon, I think you will be the next diplomat after Vikas Swarup sir on whose book Oscar-winning movie will be based. Maybe you could try something like the 'Before Trilogy', by reading your blogpost it feels that you could write a good tearjerking romcom.
yourilahehe said…
i really don't remember how i came across this blog but this was definetly what i needed to escape my utterly boring online class which starts from 8 am and ends at 3 pm
where our college sister keeps teaching us some topic that i believe won't be of any use to me :) its 11.11 as i write this comment and i have no idea why sister is talking about anatomy of mongoose in our english class
ok so i remember now i came across this blog through instagram when i saw a man with an intresting ig bio
bye have a good day sir

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