FC in UK

[A year since the Foundation Course at LBSNAA, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand. A year since I realized ironing is more important than washing. 

Here's to all my lovely batchmates, seniors, colleagues and everyone at the Academy- and the ones who will be. 

- VG

Dec 2020] 

There's a bunch of us that Mussoorie binds
Among clouds of mist and mighty minds
The Queen of Hills as the folks would say
I was sent to 'the Academy' for the FC in UK. 

Never had I been to the town they praised
Where coy new crowds to cogs-in-wheel were raised
It's been a while but seems like yesterday
When I commenced my FC in UK. 

My foundations needed to be founded fresh
Discipline needed to be drilled deep in flesh
Lethargy and nonchalance to be thrown away
Well, they tried their best at the FC in UK.

'Officer Trainees' across the services hailed
The dress code and the seating plan nailed
Quite a boarding school you see -if I may
Such was the glorious FC in UK. 

With sampoornanand the anthem I sang
At Charleville loads of coffee I drank
All that caffeine would soon go astray
When I'd trek like crazy during FC in UK.

They said you're all finally living the dream
And so we slept in class as a team.
To kindle 'Esprit de corps' that was our way
Eyes closed or 'met' often at the FC in UK.

Early mornings at the remote polo ground
Fellow OTs losing each hour a pound.
Even atheists invoked rain gods to pray
But it was 'dugna Lagaan' at FC in UK. 

I marched for PT like the walking dead
I shaved my chin to blister red
I changed my clothes five times a day
But didn't bathe that much at the FC in UK.

The essence of my being was my OT code,
The fear of memos and the deadline load.
Also questioning the existence of ECA,
We proxied them all at the FC in UK.

We are here to change the world we thought
But in paperwork all those plans got caught.
Attaching docs and signing sheets we'd fray
As the sun went down at the FC in UK.

Did I say paperwork? Well, yes there was lots
But exams somehow were online plots.
Pub Ad and Management to my dismay
Were too strange to get at the FC in UK.

At Ganga dhaba we downed chai
And gulped at Glen and Tavern, sigh. 
But Landour is where my heart shall stay 
Our Sunday getaways from the FC in UK.

We'd realize 'down south' there was a 'chiller' FC
When on Himalayan trek and village visit we'd be.
With the Statue at Aarambh overlooking a bay 
The end was near for the FC in UK. 

But of times of bonhomie it was just the start 
Though distance and duty would do them apart.
Unless they marry each other some day,
And well, they do that often after the FC in UK.

As for me, anagrams abbreviations I still adore
OTs, KTPs, LBS and much more
If, my friend, you are there next year I'd say-
There's a reason why it's called FC in UK. 


Anonymous said…
Have you deleted your instagram account?
Anisha sharma said…
Beautiful poem....you are full of life
Priyanka Raghav said…
It felt really wonderful,I must say,
While reading your Fab journey at "FC in UK"
It'll help to keep anxiety at bay,
While preparing to join "FC in UK".
Anonymous said…
Really loved these lines

"They said you're all finally living the dream
And so we slept in class as a team.
To kindle 'Esprit de corps' that was our way
Eyes closed or 'met' often at the FC in UK.

Early mornings at the remote polo ground
Fellow OTs losing each hour a pound.
Even atheists invoked rain gods to pray
But it was 'dugna Lagaan' at FC in UK."

how subtly you added humour in poetry πŸ™πŸ™
Sandhya said…
Great write:) Liked the title on it:)
Priya said…
Always so proud of you Vikram
I could live your experiences, penned in such a beautiful, way your FC in Uk
Unknown said…
It's like a dream. LBSNAA here I come.
shivani said…
memories with humor, experience with emotions...you perfectly penned all together.
Vikram senpai , can you post frequently on the blog
I'm more excited for your blogs rather than the AOT season 4
Prerna Prasad said…
Which pen did you use in the exam sir ?
Unknown said…
FCUK (read carefully), great one.
Anonymous said…
Plz activate your Instagram account don't use it but it may help several aspirants
Kuldeep vala said…
please activate your insta sir..u inspire us. Your smile gives a feel of lightness and a message to enjoy the process. Btw Great poetry by a versatile jolly manπŸ˜„πŸ€—
Ra_Thor_Rocks said…
when I will go there, it will be a great pleasure to see OT through your lenses. ;)

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