20 Bisous - Part Three


Created by Vikram Grewal.

Starring: 5th-6th Arrondissements of Paris.

The Snail continues to wander in Paris.
Talks about paradoxes and pedestrians. 


Shrutika said…
Suis tombé amoureux de la vue de Paris grace à l'escargot.
J'ai marché et ne pouvais pas trouver la destination. J'erre maintenant. Nous allons rencontrer bientot, alors?
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
I have not reached my destination sir but I will definitely reach there one day. You are really a gifted soul who continues to inspire aspirants like myself. the mains result is due and I'm haunted by the 'if-only' syndrome. but I really gave my best shot there was nothing more that I could do. :)
panditramdial said…
Black Magic is an antique system or procedure for getting someone to act the way they want. This was done mainly for positive results. It was also used for getting the desired result. As it is a very powerful technique it can bring enormous power to the executor and the target, hence it should be handled very carefully. The one who plans for Black magic Removal on anyone should be doing it for good reason and with a good conscience

Black Magic Removal Expert in Florida
Horcrux said…
Unknown said…
O!! Dear floating snail
You are but a perfect anomaly
The_crazy_coder said…
Hi vikaram! I am your crazy fan. Keep writing and keep posting on insta.

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