20 Bisous- Part Five


Created by Vikram Grewal.

Escargot continues with its reflections.
Talks about Statistics and Delicious Dinners.

9th and 10th Arrondissements of Paris.


Shrutika said…
Les statistiques sont les chiffres jusqu'à ils tournent tes proches. est-ce qu'il n'a pas des proches, cet escargot?

P.S. Your taste in music <3 The frames of Paris <3 But, [I know I shouldn't start the sentence with "but", but...] a few French pronunciations were a little off e.g., "aucune". Meh, you're good at film-making anyway. Keep 'em coming!
nishant sharna said…
most promising youth of the era in civil preparation(guidance) fields hats off sirrr.
Anonymous said…
Sir, In mains which pen you used?

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