Moh Maya Mahe - Chapter 2 : Sky


'Moh Maya Mahe' is a mundane mosaic of metaphors shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles. 

Created by Vikram Grewal.

Chapter 2: Sky

A blue sky or a white sky: a canvas or a battleground? 


Anonymous said…
Sir, how to connect you? apart from twitter.
Anonymous said…
Sir, apart from twitter where to contact you? Been following you since 2019. PLEASE!!
Blue_dragon said…
Wow! Today I got a brand new lullaby for a stressful night where the sleep is out with her fiance (fingers intertwined) glaring the star studded night in the countryside & I stare her , introspecting, did my qualities were not in sync with her's ,that she had to get to her fiance , was she not comfortable by only being my girlfriend without any future promises (as I hate her in day but I need her in night)
Well it was like a'Marriage of convenience' with her & so she after realising this has moved on , healing her emotions, covering the grave of our memories with sand ⌛ of time.

But now I got a lullaby to make her attracted with my calmness & attitude (like that of 'PUSHPA') at first & then getting her fingers intertwined with mine with a promise to return to her for whole full days, when the night of challenges will not haunt me anymore. Uptill then my STUD character built with help of this lullaby can only attract her, towards me from her fiance's hands.

May I work hard with blessings of lord until then to fulfill promises which I made with all might and conviction which I had.

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