'Brevity is the soul of wit,' they say. UPSC loves brevity. And if you can pour a little wit in it, their day is made. Before we delve into the ESSAY paper for Civil Services Exam, I would just like to point out that this article is going to be brief. I won't really instruct or implore you to follow any guidelines or apply any 'tips and tricks', my dear friend. *Because essay is a matter of the heart and mind. And every pair is as beautiful and insightful. So we'll talk about the 'soul' instead. (*Note: never start a sentence with 'because'- a teacher once told me.) (**Also note: question all advice- nothing is sacred. THIS PAPER gives you room to experiment.) I scored 161 Marks in Essay this year. Although I respect the fact that without these marks my rank would've been 'not-so-good', yet I view it as a considerably minor issue when compared to the amount of fun I had while writing those 2 essays. (Or in fact most o...
I must confess, I often find myself envious of your incredible talent, but it’s the kind of envy that inspires me to strive harder. You remind me of the beauty and power words hold, and for that, I am endlessly grateful.
particularly that fiction vs non fiction for my simple understanding let’s consider it’s truth vs lie .What is truth ?In this case anything which can be proved is truth ? It has to be approved by majority . If we say so then truth is socially constructed -society defines theTRUTH ! But then they say truth is objective .How can truth be both subjective and objective ?Here they define its in the grey area - it can be both ? But then do our systems operate or consider those grey areas ?Have we just invented the term grey area and tilt sometimes towards lighter shade of grey and then darker shade of grey according to circumstances ? It appears ironic I read a whole book and the criticism of AI ( to which I confer it’s an emerging threat to uniqueness of HUMAN )though I took the help of same AI to know about this book .I am perplexed should I curse AI or thank for making me read a super book .Let me make peace with GREY AREA ✌️