On the film 'Humans in the Loop'

The Loop of Legitimacy and Longing

Aranya Sahay's debut feature asks questions with probing palms and listens closely for answers with attentive ears

When I got an opportunity to watch 'Humans in the Loop' this Sunday, the first thing I noticed was the runtime. There is just something about films with lengths less than 80 mins that instil attention and interest in the viewer. It is like the film is telling you that it is pretty sure of what it wants to say, so you better listen. 

Humans in the Loop exudes a similar confidence but it is not one of those films that hold your hand and make you run across a forest track. It asks you to stop and observe: the wind, the birds, the strange pair of eyes that stare at you with aroused quils, the rocks that breathe and the painted caves that call out to you reminding you how far you have come - how far evolution and civilization has brought you. And once you observe and listen you ask what this 'civilization' actually entails? 

Is it a kowtow to modernity? A sordid surrender to western advancement? A relinquishment of the personal in favour of the professional? An urban vibrance over rural solitude? An acceptance of majoritarian thought? A suppression of empiricism in order to propagate established bias? 

Numerous questions encircle the life of Nehma who struggles to walk the line between what is 'lived' in contrast to what is 'legitimate.' Her estranged husband, her young rebellious daughter, her cute dependent toddler, her reunited childhood friend and her whimsical yet warm mentor/boss -  are all contributing to a churning inside Nehma who has just recently been exposed to Artifical Intelligence as a novice data labeller in a Jharkhand village.

The film talks about myriad themes from colonial bias, tribal identity, motherhood, sustainability, technological empowerment of women and what does the relationship between AI and humanity may look like (when not being its usual adversarial self). But most of all it presents a longing to connect with the living and the non-living and to legitimize that human experience in the larger arc of nature and nurture.         


Anonymous said…
VG is back 🙌 ...claim copyright else I will steal your exact words (thoughts are beyond my reach)
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After watching "flow" this is going to be the another master art to experience, thankyou giving chance to witness these insight and beautiful works .... About this article (kya baat kya baat kya baatđŸ‘đŸ»)...
Anonymous said…
hey can you please lmk where do you post ratings of different movies, like the ss you post on your Instagram??
Dekisugi said…
Vikram Sir,
I'm asking for a little help because I envy you more than Shashi Tharoor.
Here's the thing, could you please tell me how can I improve my English Skills just like you.
I'm 20 and haven't read much books like you, although my english is good enough for others but not suffice to put my opinions and emotion into words; I always tend to lack somewhere: sometimes it's grammar sometimes it's a word problem sometimes it’s invisibly the whole line.
Sir, I put this as a genuine request to help me to write the way you do.
PS: am I too late to start reading books?

Dekisugi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
U r losing your ig followers evryday. 1k lost in last yr. Start posting something motivating!
Now I am guessing only my comment is left for your post, 😄I think I should also ask or react something out of the box 😜... Sry just for fun... By the way I have completed the reading of essay pto just yesterday, and once again thank you for this work , I think first page and the Alexander portion was really interesting, and the insights of different themes was so awesome, I hope we will get some more work from your side.....
Jyoti Meena said…
Vikram Sir, your words are magic, its a spell it cast...building memories and lasting in hearts...with words that waltz, and voiced so large...you are the bridge, between a writer and the land...words impress your strength, kowtow and sordid...seems you are a reader who dazzles with golden vocabulary...what hails from you only waits, the thing you craft...my words come alive, inspired by your art...
Dekisugi said…
Bonjour Vikram Monsieur,
Ce Dekisugi vous demande d'ĂȘtre mon Doremon.
Permettez-moi d'ĂȘtre un peu exigeant aujourd'hui car j'ai hĂąte d'obtenir les rĂ©ponses Ă  toutes mes questions que je me pose depuis des mois.
1. Comment ĂȘtre cool et calme comme vous ? (#Chillguy)
2. Comment voyez-vous la vie ?
3. Quelle est votre plus grande bĂȘte noire concernant les gens ?
4. Comment se fait-il que vous trouviez de la joie en tout ?
5. Aimez-vous vraiment ĂȘtre fonctionnaire ? Comme si vous Ă©tiez si talentueux, vous pourriez gagner beaucoup d'argent.
6. L’IFS en vaut-il la peine ? Tes parents ne te manquent-ils pas ?

Puis-je attendre de vraies réponses de votre part, Monsieur ? et si vous répondez, ne soyez pas trop modeste.

PS : dĂ©solĂ© d'ĂȘtre trop gourmand maintenant.
Anonymous said…
I like your Height, What is it ??
Jyoti Meena said…
Vikram Sir, if you have a second, I'd be thrilled if you'd review my podcasts and let me know your thoughts:) https://open.spotify.com/show/6abuVScwGvUAVeol8bUUtY?si=zDrqhgG3Rqyghl5XZ7uOsQ
Jommsssie said…
Hello vikram sir , I've been following you on Instagram for a couple of years now!
I'm a huge fan of you !
I'm jealous of dekisugi !
You've mentioned him twice in ur insta story , even I want a mention now T _T
I'll give you something to respond to so it doesn't look spo corny .
Ummm , soo my French is soo bad , pls help me !
I I wanna be working in Paris as an IFS tooo pls plss
Jommssiee said…
Sir I'll be sooo saddd if you don't post my comment alsoo .
It'd be sooo unfaiirrrrrr
If anything I've been your greatest supporter fr , I even have poster of you in my rooommmmm .
You're my only greatest inspiration
After all this , I deserve a hi ☹️
Anonymous said…
"One heart many suitors "even i have a door size poster of VG .But then we need to respect Human intelligence over Artificial Intelligence. Let him breathe🙏
Anonymous said…
Sir, I’m thrilled to share that I got recommended recently for OTA Chennai, yet I’m at crossroads—between the honor of joining the Indian Army (SSC) and pursuing civil services as I was preparing for civil services also and am confident of making it ,although with a job if required.Your guidance could make a world of difference. Would you be open to helping me make this critical decision?
Anonymous said…
Leaving this comment here to see this one of your insta stories. I'm cool like that.
Anonymous said…
Cuz I'm learning from the best.
Also please don't hate me.l
Anonymous said…
Hi, I just wanted to ask ( since you're posting on insta, although I'm sure you're gonna avoid this, but takes nothing to take a chance) can you have any political and moral integrity intact in the service, in simple language can you sleep at night peacefully? because you def can't say anything against literal genocide even if UN recognizes if but India doesn't. so my point is does this service reduce your entirety to a mere "apolitical " being, where you just say yes sir to everything? what motivates or makes you keep going then? kindly don't say salary
Anonymous said…
Well, Dekisugi asked something we all want to know...
Perhaps, Mr. Grewal isn't in the mood to write a plethora.
So at least answer the first question, How come you're Cooler than ice and Calmer than a rock ?
( mention this comment but with an answer )
And yes I'm not lying that I have 2 of your photographs printed and pasted on my cupboard.
Anonymous said…
Hey, what book do you prefer to refer for Indian Economy ? Is Ramesh Singh a good option ?
puran poli said…
Dear VG.

I must confess, I often find myself envious of your incredible talent, but it’s the kind of envy that inspires me to strive harder. You remind me of the beauty and power words hold, and for that, I am endlessly grateful.
Anonymous said…
do you never ever open your Instagram DM?? if no (that I guess) why :)
Anonymous said…
Recommend some books to read? Also, What advice would you give to someone who’s planning to learn a skill this year and make a career out of it? Like answer seriously first and be your sarcastic self in the next story, maybe? :p Much love and respect ❤️
Ranjit B said…
Watched Disclaimer recently on Apple TV and currently reading Madonna in a fur coat, life can’t be more bleak. Thanks for the review, I’ll watch it for sure.
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