
'Pablo, no Hablo' - by Vikram Grewal 'Haraf'

'Pablo, no Hablo' Be quiet. Very quiet. So quiet that you mistake silence for peace, That you misunderstand stillness for harmony, Vacuum for wind, Being for living, And your own heartbeat for the clock that ticks -  And loves to hear its own ticking, For which you have been asked to Be quiet. Very quiet. -V.G



On the film 'Humans in the Loop'

The Loop of Legitimacy and Longing Aranya Sahay's debut feature asks questions with probing palms and listens closely for answers with attentive ears When I got an opportunity to watch 'Humans in the Loop' this Sunday, the first thing I noticed was the runtime. There is just something about films with lengths less than 80 mins that instil attention and interest in the viewer. It is like the film is telling you that it is pretty sure of what it wants to say, so you better listen.  Humans in the Loop exudes a similar confidence but it is not one of those films that hold your hand and make you run across a forest track. It asks you to stop and observe: the wind, the birds, the strange pair of eyes that stare at you with aroused quils, the rocks that breathe and the painted caves that call out to you reminding you how far you have come - how far evolution and civilization has brought you. And once you observe and listen you ask what this 'civilization' actually entails?...

31 December - Vikram Grewal 'Haraf'

  Naye saal se pehle, ek nayi kavita.

Moh Maya Mahe - Chapter 10: Ice

  Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 10: Ice "Spies came out of the water, and you feeling so bad coz you know..."

Moh Maya Mahe - Chapter 9: River

  Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 9: River Of live streams and alive streams.

Guroor Bhram - गुरूर भ्रम - by Vikram Grewal 'Haraf'

    Guru ka guroor, guroor ka bhram. A poem. The strong urge to be a teacher, and the confidence that you are already one.

Moh Maya Mahe - Chapter 8: Sand

  Shot on Mahe Island in the Seychelles, "Moh Maya Mahe" is a mundane mosaic of Metaphors. Chapter 8: Sand Can sand be mapped and maps be sanded?


  A compilation of photos clicked by Vikram Grewal at Kruger National Park in June 2024.