History Optional Notes- Vikram Grewal- ANCIENT INDIA

^Yes, that's where Haider did 'Bismil, Bismil.' Ab padh lo.


Unknown said…
Very useful notes sir. Thanks for the help.
Anubhuti Sharma said…
Hi Vikram! Thanks a ton for uploading your stuff, page-by-page! But can you please also tell us the source book of where you made these notes from, so that I too can refer to those books and checklist them through your notes?

Kind regards!
Anonymous said…
It will be really kind of you if you mention the sources that were used to make these notes under each part of History (Ancient,Medieval,etc).
Unknown said…
Plzzz upload ur test copy of optional ...
Unknown said…
Vikram sir it would be of great help if you post sources that you used for preparing history optional.
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Anonymous said…
Thanks vikram ...off course individual notes of everyone is different but ..ur stuff is extremely useful ...as of asnwer writing and with that accordance your notes ... guiding us to make notes .... seriously made history optional easier for a doc like me who can love history but can't sail through
Anonymous said…
Thank You Sir. It is very useful.

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