History Optional Notes- Vikram Grewal- MODERN INDIA

"May the (truth) force be with you!"


Anonymous said…
Dhanyavad..Notes are of immenseee help :-)
Unnayan Chandra said…
You're a next level person. I love you.
Chandani bhatnagar said…
Thanks sir 😊
Anonymous said…
Thank you sir
Unknown said…
Bro aka Sir , Awesome level of Humor. First topper talk after which I laughed too much. But really your video was clear, to the point and also make ppl smile.

And that one line - " Please don't laugh " and Kitab el Jhand
Unknown said…
Hey Sir
I just gave UPSC prelims 2020, but like the past few years Science, Agriculture, Environment sections have been unpredictable and are difficult to handle. Can you please guide from which all sources did u cover them and how to tackle them?
Anonymous said…
very helpful notes. Thank you sir. Love you.

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